Spork Marketing

We Only Do Auto Parts
Our focus is auto parts and accessories. We don’t do anything else. Our clients are auto part and accessory retailers and manufacturers, OEM and after-market. We’re one of the only marketing agencies in the US with this specialty.

We Love Analytics
What can we say? We’re analytics nerds. Understanding analytics is the key to improving website performance, finding new marketing opportunities, and improving efficiency. It’s cliche, but you can’t manage what you can’t measure.

We're Content Experts
Content is the key to marketing a website. Great content leads to traffic, shares, links, and top rankings on Google and Bing. Since 2006, we have published thousands of content items online, generating tens of thousands of links and shares.

Remember MySpace? We do.
Since we opened for business in late 2006, we’ve seen big changes in online marketing. We’ve witnessed the rise and fall of a few companies along the way (like MySpace). The lesson? Companies (and marketers) that don’t constantly improve will die.

Contact Name: 
Michele Doherty
(877) 228-4708
Area of Service: 