ASAP Virtual Trade Show

ASAP Network will be hosting the first virtual trade show on June 16th,17th,18th right here on our website. We have created a virtual trade-show floor with a large amount of the ASAP brands that you can sort through and virtually walk into their booth. What makes this special, is many of the ASAP brands will have the ability to LIVE chat or even ZOOM conference with them during the show hours. Dealers can look through their products, see pricing, request to become a dealer, view show specials, live chat in realtime, and even be entered into drawings.


But lets be super honest here, we have no idea how this is going to go. This is uncharted territory so it could be great, it may be a mess, but we are giving it our best foot forward. ALSO…COMPLETELY FREE! Neither Dealers nor Brands have to pay for the show. We hope this can become a recurring event, but we need your help to participate.

Join us for our Show June 16-18th from 8 AM - 2 PM Pacific Standard Time!

This is Industry only, You must have a user account on ASAP to participate and you must be Industry, not consumer.

RSVP for the show in your user account on the left bar! See you there.

For More Information email




100% Free for Attendees
Live chat with top manufacturers,
Build solid relationships via Facebook Chat or Zoom Chat
See the full product listing From your favorite Brands
Entertain yourself with videos of Builds that didn't make it to shows this year.
Take advantage of show specials
Get information on how to better promote their products
See Catalogs, Policies, Target Market, Fulfillment options etc
Talk with Warehouse Distributors
Talk with Service Providers
Be eligible for great prizes!
Become a dealer, download the E-comm sheet, add it to your site in real time
All This Without the Hassle Of
Travel time
Blisters on your feet
Conversations that you can’t remember
$19 Hot Dogs
Security Searches
Emotional Support Poodles


100% FREE for ASAP Manufactures
Approve dealers on the spot
Feature your newest products
No need for the obligatory DINNER MEETINGS at overpriced restaurants
Cost to participate: Not a damn dime - Our team will be creating all the custom branding for your "Virtual Booth"
What will you be able to do in your booth? Glad you asked, this is the cool part.
Live chat with the dealers and distributors, build solid relationships
Show off your entire product line, live
Offer show specials to drive quick sales
Show off any Builds that you may have been working on but now not able to take to a show
Provide better, solid information on how to better promote and sale your products
Provide Catalogs, Policies, Fulfillment options etc via Pdfs or links on your site
Have a true opportunity to be connected with dealers that could never before attend live shows due to travel, cost or time, as well as those that may have wanted to visit you at a show but got caught up in the crowds, lines, heat, emotional support poodles etc.
The chance to speak one on one with current dealers
Acquire New Dealers and be able to show them your full product line up, live
Actually have a record of your conversations with dealers that you can reference over and over.
A full excel sheet of all the information about the dealers/distributors that visited your booth so you can follow up.